12 Top Okra Varieties: Discover the Best for You

BY Khushvinder Dagar
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Are you feeling LOST in the okra WILDERNESS, fellow green thumb?

Our article GUIDES you through the wacky world of okra varieties. 

Learn to choose the PERFECT plant for your CLIMATE and COOKING needs.

AsterGardening ensures you get information about the most TENDER and FRUITFUL okra varieties. Learn from the years of experience about OKRA types, characteristics, and maturity time.

I’ll also explore what to AVOID PLANTING next to your okra and tips for choosing the most tender variety

Want to be an OKRA EXPERT??

Be ready to grow your BOUNTIFUL HARVEST of these delicious Fruit Vegetables. What’s In for You?

What’s In for You?

Taking Informed decisions for types of okra according to CLIMATE and CULINARY preferences. 

Discover OKRA varieties, their unique characteristics, and ideal growing conditions. So sit back, grab a snack (maybe some fried okra?), and let’s get to it!

Okra Varieties

Best Growing Conditions for Okra

Best Growing Conditions for Okra

Explore SIZZLING SECRETS of growing your okra! It’s a warm-season crop that loves long, HOT SUMMERS and FERTILE, well-drained soil.

The IDEAL TEMPERATURE for okra growth is between 75-90°F, with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. And BOY, OH BOY…

It needs plenty of SUNSHINE and WATER, especially at flowering and fruiting! (Just Like a Marathon Runner)

The USDA hardiness zones for okra are 9-12 for the PERFECT growing season.

Sow the seeds 1-2 inches DEEP and 6-12 inches apart, with ROWS SPACED at least 3 feet apart.

And remember to give them some TLC with a BALANCED FERTILIZER. But watch out for those PESKY WEEDS and CRITTERS that love to MUNCH on okra.

So, What’s the solution?

To keep your okra happy and healthy, give it REGULAR WEEDING and PEST MANAGEMENT.


It’ll be WORTH IT when you’re chowing down on some TASTY okra.

Okra Varieties

Spineless Okra

Clemson Spineless

Clemson Spineless

Get ready to meet the STAR of the okra show – Clemson Spineless! This CLASSIC VARIETY is an okra-lover’s dream, producing DARK GREEN, spineless pods.

Clemson Spineless is the PERFECT CHOICE for hot, humid climates (Surprise! It also performs well in cold weather).

These pods growing okra have a bushy habit and grow 3-4 feet tall near early maturity.

It’s a speedy grower, too, with a MATURITY PERIOD of only 55-65 days. This superstar likes well-drained, FERTILE SOIL – it’s sure to be a showstopper in your garden!

Cajun Delight

Cajun Delight

The Cajun Delight will leave your taste buds tingling (just like a pinch of herbs)! This popular variety produces pods known for TENDER and RIBBED appearance.

These SPINELESS PODS mature in 50-60 days and have a compact growth habit. Cajun Delight thrives in WARM, MOIST conditions and prefers slightly acidic soil.

Cannot grow Jambalaya okra in SOUTHERN CLIMATES? Spice up your garden and try Cajun Delight this growing season!

Giant Okras

Beck’s Big Buck

Beck's Big Buck

You’re in for a treat with BECK’S BIG BUCK! This vigorous variety produces STRAIGHT and DARK GREEN pods. Ensure to harvest seed pods as they reach 4-5 inches in length.

Don’t underestimate these DWARF pods from Hibiscus Family!

These FAT PODS plants can reach 6-7 feet tall. The MATURITY PERIOD is 60-65 days. Oh, and Beck’s Big Buck prefers it HOT AND HUMID.

Perkins Mammoth Long Pod

Perkins Mammoth Long Pod

Perkins Mammoth Long Pod produces PALE green pods reaching a WHOPPING 10 inches. These okra plants reach the MATURITY PERIOD in only 60-65 days.

But how do you grow this luscious okra in a short time???

Perkins Long Pod needs RICH and WELL-DRAINED soil with a pH range of 6.0-6.8. WATER and FERTILIZE it regularly to help it reach its full potential. It can reach maturity 5-6 feet tall with PROMINENT dark leaf veins.

Red Okras

Alabama Red

Alabama Red

Get ready to add a pop of color to your garden with ALABAMA RED OKRA! This VIBRANT variety produces beautiful RED PODS – a true sight to behold. Ensure to HARVEST them when they’re 4-5 inches long.

Alabama Red is a bushy okra plant with an average height of 8-10 feet tall. It has a MATURITY PERIOD of 60-65 days, so get ready to be wowed quickly!

Red Velvet

Red Velvet

RED VELVET OKRA is an absolute sight for its APPEARANCE. It boasts GLOSSY RED pods, CRIMSON stems, and SHOWY yellow flowers. This warm-weather plant can grow up to 5 feet tall or more and can QUICKLY MATURE in short-season climates.

But wait, there’s more!

Plant the red okra seeds in FULL SUN when the soil is warm and harvest in just 55 days.

Dwarf Okras

Cajun Jewel

Cajun Jewel

Get ready for a bountiful harvest with CAJUN JEWEL. These HIGH-YIELDING okra plants are sure to impress!

These DARK GREEN and TENDER pods are a true DELIGHT when harvested at 3-4 inches long. They have a MATURITY PERIOD of 50-60 days and a compact growth habit.

Take advantage of this FANTASTIC okra variety for an abundant harvest!

Dwarf Green Long Pod

Dwarf Green Long Pod

Dwarf Green Long Pod is a superb okra plant that produces LONG and SLENDER straight green pods. This COMPACT light green plant grows up to 3-4 feet tall and has a maturity period of 55-65 days.

These BEAUTIFUL narrow okra pods get ready to HARVEST at 5-6 inches long. It is a PERFECT choice for small garden plots and containers as it has a high yield.

What are you waiting for…Get ready to enjoy GROWING PODS in small spaces.

Star-Pod Types

Star of David

Star of David

Star of David okra is UNIQUE among dwarf varieties and famous for the six-pointed star shape of its pods. These tall plants can reach up to SIX feet and are QUITE hardy. It makes them suitable for growing okra in HOT and HUMID conditions.

The Star of David okra pods has a DELICATE flavor and a TENDER texture. Star of David has a DAYS TO MATURITY of around 55-60 days.

Annie Oakley II

Annie Oakley II

Annie Oakley II Okra is a compact variety that produces SWEET, TENDER, 6-7 inch pods. These 5-6 feet-tall plants are PERFECT for soups, stews, and pickling.

The 50-55 days MATURITY PERIOD is PERFECT for small-space gardening or container growing.

Take advantage of the incredible FLAVOR and TEXTURE that Annie Oakley II Okra offers!

Round-Pod Types



Hey, gardening enthusiasts! Check out the AMAZING Emerald Okra!

This green okra variety has bright green edible pods making it look LUSH and VIBRANT.

It produces large 3-4 inch uniform pods with MILD, slightly sweet flavor, and TENDER texture.

It takes only 50-55 days to MATURE, making it perfect for quick turnaround. Add it to your garden and ENJOY this vibrant variety!

Louisiana Green Velvet

Louisiana Green Velvet

Louisiana Green Velvet Okra is a high pod production variety with a RICH and EARTHY flavor. This variety produces VELVETY 3-4 inch DARK GREEN PODS. 

What’s more?

Louisiana Green Velvet Okra has a RICH, earthy flavor, perfect for gumbo, soups, and stews. You can HARVEST pods quickly within just 50-60 DAYS.

Add it to your garden and ENJOY the amazing flavor and texture.

FAQs about Okra Varieties

1. What is the most tender okra variety?

The Annie Oakley II okra is the most tender okra variety. It produces pods that are sweet and mild and are perfect for use in soups, stews, and pickling. It is a great choice for gardeners with a quick maturity time of around 50-55 days.

2. What is the best fertilizer for okra?

Okra is a heavy feeder requiring fertile soil for optimal growth and yield. A fertilizer with a 4-4-4 or 8-8-8 ratio and extra nitrogen supports vegetative growth. Organic options such as compost, aged manure, or fish emulsion are also beneficial.

3. What should not be planted next to okra?

Okra is susceptible to SUCKING pests and several diseases. It’s important to avoid planting it next to other crops susceptible to the same issues. Avoid planting okra near tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and other nightshade family members.

What’s Next

You learned different types of OKRA, including the Red Velvet and Cajun Jewel varieties. Knowing the varieties is only enough to highlight their unique characteristics.

I have discussed the factors affecting the GROWTH and YIELD of okra. Including but not limited to moist, warm climates and well-drained soil.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of OKRA VARIETIES and their CHARACTERISTICS.

Give it as read it if you want to grow okra (a delicious treat to taste buds).

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Khushvinder Dagar

Hey, I'm Khushvinder. I am a marketer by profession but love the feeling of getting my hands dirty and watching plants grow and have a particular interest in native plants and sustainable gardening practices. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others and have written articles on gardening for various publications.