Growing Roma Tomatoes: Made It Easy to Plant

BY Shaafay Zia
Last Update:

Growing aroma tomatoes may seem DAUNTING, but don’t worry! It’s easier than it looks. With the right GUIDANCE AND TIPS, you harvest a delicious batch of tomatoes in no time. 

Plus, you make the most amazing tomato paste once you harvest! Who knows? You might be the talk of your neighborhood.

We are experts in Roma tomatoes! Our team spends EXTENSIVE TIME researching the latest gardening information and trends. Think of it like having your CONSULTANTS FOR GROWING TOMATOES. 

We’ve got plenty of advice and tips for growing Roma tomatoes. With us by your side, you can have delicious Roma tomatoes all year! 

TRUST US; we’ve got the know-how to make it happen!

You will become a much BETTER GARDENER if you keep on reading. Think of it like becoming a top chef – the more you read up on recipes, the better meals you can cook!

You will learn the origins and characteristics of Roma tomatoes. Then we will highlight the different types and how to grow, harvest & care for them. We’ll even touch on common pests & diseases that can affect your plants. 

So get ready to learn all about these delicious Italian veggies!

Growing Roma Tomatoes

Roma Tomatoes: Origin and Characteristics

Roma Tomatoes

Roma tomatoes are the BOMB for tomato aficionados! These delicious little egg-shaped tomatoes were first cultivated in ITALY. It seems like the world couldn’t get enough since. 

With their meaty texture and naturally sweet flavor, it’s no wonder why they are so popular. The MEATY FLESH also makes them great additions to salads, sandwiches, and sauces! 

Roma tomato plants tend to be smaller than other varieties. Other characteristics include: 

  1. Produce OBLONG, RED FRUITS. These tomatoes are perfect for those who like slicing tomatoes in their dish. Now that’s extra tantalizing.
  2. Require full sun and plenty of water. They are not vampires, after all. They need their daily dose of vitamin D.
  3. Thrive in WARMER CLIMATES. Think of them as summer babes of tomatoes! 
  4. More DISEASE RESISTANT than other tomato varieties. Perfect! No one wants to eat a diseased vegetable- no matter if they have dense flesh!

No matter what delish dish you make, Roma tomatoes are a great choice. They’re so versatile they might as well be magic! Don’t go performing tomato magic, though – stick to cards!

What are the Types of Roma Tomatoes?

What are the Types of Roma Tomatoes

These egg-shaped tomatoes come in a variety of forms. Here are some of the most popular: 

1. Roma VF

The Roma VF is the KING OF ALL TOMATOES, and its flavor and taste reign supreme. You’ll know why when you harvest plenty of these delectable fruits from your Roma tomato plant! So your summer will be full of amazing meals! 

2. Plum Regal 

These hybrid tomatoes have all the makings of ROYALTY. They have a dark red hue, meaty flesh, fewer seeds, and a rich taste fit for any dish or sauce! Plus, they look in great jars too! Don’t worry – you won’t need to pay an extravagant price to enjoy them. 

3. Sunrise Sauce 

This SMALL YET FLAVORFUL tomato is perfect for making sauces and other dishes. It has thick skin and a sweet taste. You can call Sunrise Sauce a little slice of sunshine. This makes it great for concocting flavorful sauces or baking into delightful treats

4. Granadero 

This special kind of Roma tomato is like a diamond in the rough. – bright red skin, oval-shaped, and with a taste so sweet you’d think it was candy! Its rich flavor makes it perfect FOR SALADS OR ROASTING VEGETABLES. 

If you want your Italian grandma’s approval, throw some Granadero tomatoes in your pot! 

5. 10 Fingers of Naples 

This variety of Roma tomatoes provides a full-bodied. It has an intense flavor that is great for MAKING PASTE TOMATOES. Its low acidity and solid skin make it perfect for the canning process. 

Plus, its meaty flesh makes it ideal for sauces and other dishes too! All those delicious fingers are begging to join your meal party!

6. Martino’s Roma 

This is undoubtedly one of the tastiest types of Roma tomatoes available. It carries a sweet taste and a thick, meaty flesh that make it ideal for sauces or roasting vegetables. Moreover, its delightful taste pairs nicely with any dish. This makes it an outstanding choice for every kitchen! 

Growing Steps for Roma Tomatoes

Growing Steps for Roma Tomatoes

Growing Roma tomatoes will give you your OWN FOOD. If you’re looking to grow Roma tomatoes indoors, here are some tips to get your garden up and running: 

1. Get High-Quality Seeds

Buy seeds from a REPUTABLE NURSERY. You can find high-quality seeds and tomato seedlings online. Also, try your local nursery or gardening store. Just check the expiry date like it’s a carton of milk! Don’t worry your seeds will likely be okay. 

2. Prepare Your Soil Mix

Prepare a WELL-DRAINED soil mix. Try loamy soil, organic matter, and potting soil in equal parts. Think of it like making that perfect lasagna dish. Just don’t put dirt in your lasagna, though! Hahaha.

3. Add Some Fertilizer 

Add FERTILIZER to the soil mix. Your Roma tomatoes will have plenty of nutrients when they start growing. This is similar to how food gives us more energy!

4. Set a Good Foundation 

Plant the tomato seeds in pots or on RAISED BEDS. This ensures that the soil surface is level before planting each seed. Like building a house, it’s important to lay a solid foundation! 

5. Water Your Plants

WATER REGULARLY. Take care not to overwater, as too much moisture cause root rot and other diseases in plants! Think of it like giving a hug; it can be uncomfortable when it’s too tight!

6. Support Your Tomatoes 

Place TOMATO CAGES around your plants as they grow. This helps support their branches as they become larger and heavier with fruit! Make sure the tomato cage doesn’t cover up all of your delicious tomatoes. 

It’s like that fancy hat Grandma wears at church every Sunday morning! She wears it just right! 

7. Harvest Your Tomatoes 

When harvesting, make sure you pick the Roma tomatoes when they’re RIPE. Check for color (BRIGHT RED) before plucking them off the vine! A good gardener never picks a tomato too soon or too late. They do it at “tomato o’clock.” 

8 . Protect Your Tomatoes 

Note the FROST DATE for your area. You can ensure that your plants have enough warmth to thrive during colder months. Cover them with blankets or plastic sheeting if necessary! This will also protect against weed growth, which could choke out young plants!

When and How to Harvest Roma Tomatoes?

When and How to Harvest Roma Tomatoes

Harvesting Roma tomatoes is the EXCITING PART at the end of your journey. It’s just like Christmas morning for tomato lovers! Some might argue that eating is exciting, but “tomato, tomato.” The checklist below will help you get started no matter where you are in the growing season. 

Watch your Roma tomato plants closely for signs of ripeness. As the tomatoes turn a bright red, you’ll know it’s time to pick them. So remember to bring a shopping bag with you! 

Split tomatoes usually indicate that harvesting can begin. This is true as long as there is no sign of DISEASE OR ROT on the plant. 

Don’t wait TOO LONG to harvest. Otherwise, the tomato might crack and split open from over-ripening. They will SPLIT and run away from you faster than you can say ‘tomato’! Get it? Split? 

Use PRUNING SHEARS or scissors for harvesting Roma tomatoes. This helps remove them without damaging the stem or branch they are attached to. 

Roma tomatoes should be CUT AT AN ANGLE. So that water won’t sit on top of them in storage and cause rotting later on down the line! Unless that’s what makes salsa taste better?! 

STAGGER YOUR HARVESTS. Do this by picking some ripe fruits while leaving unripe ones still attached. Leave them until they mature later. This will give you higher fruit production during one growing season! You will get higher yields overall. Grandma never complains about too many tomatoes!

Suggested reading: Soil PH For Tomatoes: Expert Tips To Plant

How to Care for Your Roma Tomatoes?

How to Care for Your Roma Tomatoes

So you want to take care of your Roma tomatoes? Here’s a quick gardening tip on how to care for these paste tomatoes:

1. Plant in Rich Soil

Plant in garden beds at least 8-10 inches deep with soil rich in organic matter and good drainage. Make sure you prepare the bed by removing WEEDS. Also, incorporate MULCH OR ORGANIC MATTER into the soil base before planting. 

2. Space and Support Your Tomatoes 

When planting, place your tomato plants 18-24 inches apart, as they need room to grow and spread. They are just like kids or teenagers who need their own space! Roma tomatoes are INDETERMINATE tomatoes. So, make sure you use strong stakes or cages when they grow taller than two feet! 

3. Keep Your Tomatoes Watered 

Give your tomato plants plenty of water, but only a little! Watering your plants TWICE A WEEK is enough to keep them happy. Think how children who get too much attention can become spoiled brats! Any more will cause root rot and other plant diseases. This will ruin the quality of fruit production. 

4. Give Your Plants Some Sun

Place your tomato plants in DIRECT SUNLIGHT for 6-8 hours daily. This is key for healthy growth and maximum fruit production! Otherwise, they might grow fangs and come for you – talk about scary produce! It helps if the area has WARM TEMPERATURES during the day as well. 

It won’t hurt if it gets slightly colder at night either (don’t forget to cover them up!). Imagine being tucked into bed every night…aww, so sweet. It’s scientific; that’s how you get sweet tomatoes. Hahaha. 

5. Protect The Roots

As a bonus when caring for Romas, be sure their rich soil is WELL DRAINED. Excess water will escape from their roots properly. No one likes wet feet all day long – unless you’re a fish, then maybe it’s okay?! You may need extra gravel or stones spread around each plant’s base. This will depend on the soil you have in your garden beds. 

6. Feed Your Plants

Add organic fertilizers such as manure or compost every few weeks. This helps ensure you get healthy plants, physically AND mentally (oh yeah!!). You don’t want depressed tomatoes.  

Pests and Plant Diseases  

Pests and Plant Diseases 

Growing aroma tomatoes may be affected by several pests and diseases. 

1. Tomato Mosaic Virus (TMV): 

This virus is spread by APHIDS and can make leaves YELLOW OR MOTTLED with green and yellow patches. It can also lead to distorted or stunted growth of Roma tomato plants. With TMV, don’t expect any prize-winning Roma tomatoes from your garden this year.

2. Fusarium Wilt: 

Signs of this FUNGAL DISEASE include plant wilting and leaf discoloration. The disease can KILL the entire plant in severe cases. To prevent it, water the garden bed properly and rotate crops throughout the year. So your tomatoes can have a change of scenery regularly! Maybe they need a vacation now and then!

3. Bright Green Caterpillars: 

These pests are usually found on lower leaves NEAR THE BASE of a Roma tomato plant. They feed on foliage, eventually causing significant damage if left untreated. Handpicking them is usually enough to remove them. They don’t even put up a fight by flying away when disturbed! 

4. Tomato Hornworms: 

These large caterpillars can do serious damage by eating large portions of foliage overnight. They live out their version of “Hangry Caterpillar”! 

So, it’s essential to check your plants daily for signs! Again handpicking is a good way to remove infestations. However, some gardeners like using CHEMICAL INSECTICIDES as well, if necessary. 

5. Verticillium Wilt : 

Damp conditions cause this fungal disease. This may be due to poor drainage or overwatering during warm weather months. This can leave your plants feeling like they’ve worn a wet sock all day!

Symptoms include yellowing leaves on one side. These eventually turn brown, followed by entire branches dying off. Planting tomatoes in FULL SUN helps ensure dry conditions and better air circulation. 

Also, ensure the planters DRAIN PROPERLY. This will help prevent these FUNGAL DISEASES from occurring in the first place!

FAQs about Growing Roma Tomatoes

1. Are Roma tomatoes hard to grow?

The cultivation of Roma tomatoes does not have to be complicated. If you ensure the plants have the ideal environment, they should grow successfully. They need compost, warmth, direct sunlight, and regular watering.
With some simple understanding and perseverance cultivating Roma tomatoes can be quite manageable.

2. Do Roma tomatoes come back every year?

Yes, Roma tomatoes are quite resilient. They can be cultivated in home gardens yearly with the proper attention. These hardy plants don’t need much effort to maintain. Simply put them in a sunny spot and keep them well-fed.
Before long, you’ll have delicious, homegrown tomatoes ready for harvesting every year!

3. Can you ripen Roma tomatoes off the vine?

Yes, it is possible to ripen Roma tomatoes off the vine. Place them in a paper bag alongside an apple or banana, as this will help the process go quickly.

4. How long can Roma tomatoes stay on the vine?

The length of time Roma tomatoes remain on the vine can vary depending on your purpose for growing them. If you want to use them for paste tomato recipes, it is best to pick them when they are still firm and uniformly red. 
But, if you want to snack on the tomatoes, you can wait until they have become riper before harvesting them.

What’s Next

We covered everything Roma tomatoes!  We enticed you by giving a general explanation of the history and properties of these cuties. Next, we demonstrated the wide variety of Romas available. 

Moving on, we showed you how to plant, harvest, and take care of these babies. Lastly, we listed some illnesses and bugs that may damage your crops.

So you want to grow Roma tomatoes?  Head to AsterGardening, where we’ll show you how to grow these Italian beauties and more. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are a pro or a beginner. Get sowing!

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Shaafay Zia

Hi, I'm a fellow green thumb who moonlight's as a writer. Gardening is something that brings me peace and I have been in the sport for many years now. With all of our expertise, we will always bring you the best content which will make you love your garden, even more.