12 Incredible Types Of Zucchini You Must Try

BY Khushvinder Dagar
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Most people think of zucchini as a green vegetable, but did you know there are different types of it?

Zucchini appears in a WIDE range of varieties, and most of us don’t know about it.

Some are short and yellowish, WHILE others have long necks with curves at the end. 

But you don’t need to be curious about it.

The Fruit Vegetables experts are HERE to provide you with the details of the types.

We have spent years STUDYING different types of zucchini. And here we are to acknowledge you with what we have. I ASSURE you after reading the post you will definitely know about different zucchini squash types.  

So, learn about nutritional content and different TYPES of zucchini in our blog. 

Types Of Zucchini

Nutrition of Zucchini

Nutrition of Zucchini

Zucchini is a nutritious vegetable with LOW calories and HIGH nutrients. It PROVIDES many vitamins and minerals with every serving.

Want to HEAR how awesome is this?

Some of the most common and essential nutrients of fresh zucchini include:

1. Vitamin C: 

A vital vitamin that acts as an antioxidant HELPS support the immune system.

2. Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is crucial for

  • Vision
  • Skin health
  • Cell growth

3. Potassium:

Potassium helps to REGULATE blood pressure. It also SUPPORTS the heart and muscle function.

4. Manganese:

It is essential to MAINTAIN healthy bones and wound healing. It is also vital for the PROPER functioning of enzymes in the body.

5. Folate:

Folate is essential for the PRODUCTION of red blood cells and DNA synthesis.

6. Fiber:

Besides vitamins and minerals, fresh zucchini is also a good source of fiber.

These fibers help to

  •  Keep the digestive system healthy, and
  • Lessen the risk of heart disease and many other chronic conditions. 

Zucchini also contains a slight amount of Iron, magnesium, calcium, and zeaxanthin.

Apart from that, zucchini is a versatile vegetable used in various dishes. 

Types of Zucchini

Zucchini is a versatile summer fruit related to the Cucurbitaceae family.

Short, nutty, green, round, and yellow, zucchini comes in all shapes, flavors, and textures. There are WIDE varieties of zucchini, some of which are even AVAILABLE in the winter.

The most common types of zucchini cultivars that add flavor and texture to any dish include:

1. All Green Bush Zucchini

All Green Bush Zucchini

As the name INDICATES, All Green Bush zucchini is a green squash.

Although zucchini prefers to grow on vines, All Green Bush Zucchini grows like a bush. That is the reason these species get their particular name.

WELL! This kind is known for producing small to medium-sized fruits that are generally:

  • Tender
  • Juicy and
  • Flavorful

All Green Bush Zucchini can grow up to eight inches. But it is usually PLUCKED at about half of its maximal size.

It is because, at that point, you will find the maximum goodness and deliciousness of the fruit. 

2. Black Beauty Zucchini

Black Beauty Zucchini

The black beauty zucchini has a long, slender shape and a SUBTLE sweet flavor. It has DARK green skin that almost looks black and has creamy white flesh INSIDE.

It ACQUIRES amazing taste at different life stages. So, no matter if black beauty zucchini is younger or more mature, you will get an incredible taste.

For mature ones, you grill them in olive oil to make them more tender.

Otherwise, you can use it raw or make many dishes with this best zucchini kind like:

  • Salads
  • Baked Dishes, and
  • Soup

You can HARVEST black beauty within fifty days.

If you have grown a PLENTIFUL crop, you can use the pickling process to preserve it for LATER USE. 

3. Gourmet Gold Zucchini

Gourmet Gold Zucchini

Gourmet gold zucchini GOT its name because of its beautiful golden-yellow color. It is gently sweet and buttery in flavor. The taste of this zucchini isn’t too different from the traditional green zucchini. But the color packs a punch, indeed. 

Gourmet gold has SOFTER flesh than any other zucchini variety, so you can cook it easily.

  • It adds a BURST OF flavor to any dish, such as fries, pizzas, and desserts.
  • But gourmet gold is inclusively used in a recipe called “zucchini frittata.”
  • The yellow part BLENDS WELL with the frittata, making the unique squash a total winner. 
  • It can also absorb the flavor of other ingredients and make salads more delicious.

Also, the plus point regarding planting this VARIETY is that it can produce crops for a long time. 

4. Zephyr Zucchini

Zephyr Zucchini

You probably haven’t SEEN any zucchini MORE BEAUTIFUL than a zephyr. It has a beautiful coloration, mainly bright yellow squash, with light green stripes.  

Zephyr zucchini is BEST to use raw. It has a nutty taste that goes WELL with hummus and other creamy dips.

There are yellow zucchini flowers that are attached to Zephyr.

The GOOD thing about these zucchini flowers is that they are ENTIRELY edible. They taste MARVELOUS when you fry them or load them with parmesan cheese.

The exterior of this type is firm, while the anterior is juicy and tender. These qualities make it PERFECT for salads and sauteed dishes. 

5. Caserta Zucchini

Caserta Zucchini

Caserta is the heirloom zucchini variety and also the popular one.

Compared to other zucchini varieties, it is THINNER. The flesh is tender, rich in flavor, and can grow easily in a SMALL space.

So, if you think of planting zucchini in a small garden, you go with Caserta zucchini.

The SIGNIFICANT feature of Caserta zucchini includes,

  • The beautiful color—alternate shades of pale green and dark green bands. But the light green part is WIDER.
  • The straight shape grows to curve as they age, giving them a crookneck shape.

Like other varieties, it is a summer squash, but it’s exceptionally more flavorful. It is used to make DETECTABLE dishes like sauteing, steaming, grilling, and stir-frying. 

6. Cocozelle Zucchini

Cocozelle Zucchini

Cocozelle is among the LESS watery zucchini varieties but STILL has fantastic flavor. It has DISTINCT darker green stripes, making it look like a dark green cucumber.

With this specific variety, you can make DELICIOUS baked and grilled zucchini dishes.

  •  They are well-pierced in veggie, chicken, or shrimp kabobs.
  • Also, if you are in the mood for baked goods, try it with zucchini bread or a healthy breakfast muffin.

Cocozelle becomes MATURE approximately 50-60 days after plantation.

Make sure to harvest cocozelle on time. It is because if you PICK UP later, it may become dry. Thus, you cannot enjoy Cocozelle’s MARVELLOUS taste. 

7. Golden Egg Zucchini

Golden Egg Zucchini

The name says everything about its appearance. Right? Golden egg formerly called the green Italian squash. 

It looks like a giant yellow egg with a STRONG SWEET flavor designated like chartreuse.

If you aren’t familiar, chartreuse is a type of French liquor. Pointless to say it’s sweet; it actually has more herbaceous and vegetal flavor.  

Regarding sweetness, golden egg is usually used in baking:

  • Muffins
  • Pancakes
  • Bread
  • It also GOES GREAT with fritters.

Everyone LOVES the creamy, dense flesh of this lovely variety. The other thing to love about this kind is that it doesn’t take MUCH TIME to develop.

It requires LITTLE maintenance, and you can harvest its crop within 41 days.  

8. Gadzukes Zucchini

Gadzukes Zucchini

Gadzukes is a dark green Italian zucchini. It has dark green skin with some light green color. 

  • When you cut the Italian squash, you will GET a star-like shape in every slice.
  • Add Gadzukes into the salad for a nice texture or into a bowl of summer pasta.
  •  It has an amazingly sweet and crisp flavor, making it ideal for fresh dishes.
  • It is EXCELLENT for curry, stir fry, spiraled zucchini noodles, patties, and casserole.

It is also an OUTSTANDING idea to grow this variety at home, as it doesn’t need special care.

Italian zucchini won’t let you down. Like other varieties, Gadzuke grows up VERY FAST, and you can harvest it in 50-55 days after planting. 

9. Dunja Zucchini

Dunja Zucchini

Dunja zucchini is green in color and have a MILD flavor.

Most zucchini varieties are famous for their UNIQUE appearance and delicate taste.

  • But dunja zucchini is LOVED by many gardeners because it can pick EASILY due to its small spines.
  • Also, this zucchini plant type has open space that ALLOWS picking fruit easily. 
  • The other reason to love this variety is that it PRODUCES a high yield.

Apart from that, I love dunja for its exceptional fritters. The trick to getting crisp fritters is to squeeze out as much moisture as possible.

Dunja is also well-roasted zucchini with other veggies like bell peppers and onions in sheet pan fajitas.

Dunja’s skin is glossy and in excellent shape, making it easier to PREPARE in the kitchen.

10. Magda Zucchini

Magda Zucchini

Magda is another type of zucchini with a nutty and sweet flavor.

While other types comprise dark green color, Magda has pale green skin. It is NEITHER thin NOR round zucchini and has a length of about 3-4 inches.  

When you cut Magda, you see dense, crispy flesh, which is mouth-watering. Just add a pinch of salt, and you have a tasty dish to enjoy.

Due to its texture, it becomes IDEAL  in sautéed dishes and grilled dishes.

Like other varieties, Magda is very productive as it yields plenty of fruit in 50 days. But Magda zucchini plants thrive the most when you have a small harvest. 

Thus, Magda shouldn’t be stored because it tastes best when fresh. 

11. Rampicante Zucchini

Rampicante Zucchini

Unlike summer varieties of zucchini, Rampicante is both a summer and winter squash.

So, you can EXPERIENCE it all year round. Isn’t that awesome?

Rampicante has an unusual but INCREDIBLE shape. It is long and slender, up to 15 inches long, with a flat and fat part at the bottom.

But what about harvesting Rampicante zucchini?

Before harvest, you should ENSURE that the skin of Rampicante has taken a lime green color. Also, MAKE SURE that the darker strips start appearing on the body.

Mildly sweet and nutty, rampant can be enjoyed in PLENTY OF WAYS:

• Use it in a ratatouille 

• Cheddar cheese bread

• Italian dishes such as Gnocchi and Ravioli

• You can also grill it to make the BBQ party more flavorful. 

12. Pattypan Squash

Pattypan Squash

Pattypan squash is a summer squash type that COMES in various colors and sizes. It can be yellow, green, or white and is PERFECT for stuffing dishes.  

Besides stuffing, you can also roast, grill, or fry pattypan. You can MAKE incredible dishes by baking and frying with a pattypan.

You SHOULD try

  • Pattypan Squash Casserole or Yellow Squash Casserole
  • Stuffed Pattypan Squash
  • Roasted Pattypan Squash
  • Pattypan Squash Carpaccio

Pattypan squash is QUITE similar to common zucchini but has a sweet taste.

It can be PICKED between 45 to 70 days after planting. As it grows up further, it DEVELOPS a potato-like taste. 

Apart from these, there are also other varieties of zucchini, including, 

  • Nero de Milano zucchini 
  • Tromboncino zucchini 
  • Crookneck squash
Suggested reading: Zucchini Leaves Turning Yellow 

FAQs about Types Of Zucchini

1. What is the most common zucchini?

The most common type of zucchini comprises pale green or dark green fruits.
Black beauty is the MOST POPULAR and versatile among the most common varieties.
It is undoubtedly the most common type of zucchini in the market. It has firm, smooth skin and a mild sweet taste—commonly used in many recipes. 

2. Which is healthier cucumber or zucchini?

Both cucumber and zucchini are nutritious and OFFER benefits like
· Low-calorie count
· High fibers
· Essential vitamins
· Minerals
The BEST CHOICE between the two depends upon individual nutritional needs.
To get the MOST B

3. Can I eat zucchini raw?

Well yes! Zucchini can be eaten raw. IN FACT, eating raw zucchini provide an EXCELLENT source of vitamins and fiber. 
It has a mild crispy flavor and can be enjoyed with salads and sandwiches.
Still, most people PREFER to cook zucchini to soften its texture. 

4. Should you refrigerate zucchini?

Yes, you can refrigerate zucchini to EXTEND its shelf-life and preserve freshness.
Wrap the zucchini in a plastic bag or place it in an airtight container to maintain moisture.
Proper storage KEEPS the zucchini fresh for about a week

What’s Next

You have got many DETAILS about the varieties of zucchini.

There are many different types of zucchini regarding their shape, flavor, and texture.

Besides summer squash, some can be grown and harvested in the winter. 

If you want to grow any other TYPE of fruit and vegetable, visit AsterGardening.

We assure you that you will find QUALITY techniques here. All the methods described here are WELL-RESEARCHED and experienced by us.

So, HURRY UP and create your own beautiful garden with less effort.

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Khushvinder Dagar

Hey, I'm Khushvinder. I am a marketer by profession but love the feeling of getting my hands dirty and watching plants grow and have a particular interest in native plants and sustainable gardening practices. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others and have written articles on gardening for various publications.