Zucchini Leaves Turning Yellow (Reasons, How-tos!)

BY Khushvinder Dagar
Last Update:

I understand the bewilderment of zucchini leaves turning yellow leads to disappointment. I am here to tell you there’s something wrong with your zucchini plants, but you can ERADICATE IT! 

I am a very enthusiastic gardener regarding fruit vegetables gardening at home. My YEARS OF EXPERIENCE and expertise come in handy to new gardeners.

I will guide you to grow a zucchini plant while dealing with zucchini yellow leaves. My tips will restore your plants to their ORIGINAL SELVES when leaves are turning yellow.

Here you will learn:

  • Reasons for Zucchini yellowing
  • How to stop & fix it?
  • Care tips & more!
Care Tips for Zucchini Plants

Reasons for Zucchini Leaves Turning Yellow

Reasons For Zucchini Leaves Turning Yellow

Zucchini is a very tolerant plant. But if the zucchini plant’s leaves are turning yellow, this means there is something wrong with them!

A healthy plant makes chlorophyll to keep the leaves green and avoids yellow leaves. This means that something is interfering with chlorophyll production

There are several reasons for zucchini plant leaves to turn yellow. Following are some COMMON REASONS for zucchini yellowing leaves:

1. Not Enough Sunlight

When the zucchini plant turns yellow, it needs direct sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours to avoid yellow leaves. If plants are not receiving sunlight, this is also why the zucchini plant turns yellow. When the full sun wanes, zucchini turn yellow as a NATURAL PROGRESSION.

2. Watering Issues

Sometimes watering issues also lead to zucchini yellow leaves while planting zucchini. There are two cases of watering zucchini plants leading to yellow leaves. They are OVERWATERING and UNDERWATERING.  

In case of overwatering your zucchini plants, the drowned roots become stunted

It is then unable to support the plant. This leads to leaves becoming incapable of performing chlorophyll. This is because the PLANT DIDN’T RECEIVE ANYTHING from the roots. 

This causes the zucchini leaves turn yellow, especially in the clayey soil. And is because clay soil stores water due to its tightly packed soil particles.

In underwatering, insufficient water for the zucchini roots cannot absorb nutrients. When there is no PLANT FOOD to create chlorophyll, the zucchini starts to turn yellow.

3.  Damaged Zucchini Roots

Shifting zucchini plants to a new place leads to the zucchini turning yellow leaves. Or, in other cases, you planted OTHER PLANTS NEARBY, and your zucchini has yellow leaves now. This happens because you might’ve damaged your zucchini roots in doing so.

4. Nutrient & Soil Deficiency

There can be nutrient deficiencies like iron deficiency in the soil. Your zucchini plants cannot access the iron from their roots. This happens when the IRON GETS TRAPPED in the ground. Excess calcium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, potassium, or zinc lead to iron bondage. 

Another nutrient, like nitrogen deficiency, also causes the zucchini leaves yellowing. Nitrogen helps in HEALTHY ZUCCHINI PLANT GROWTH, including stem and leaf. 

At last, soil pH levels also affect leaves’ yellowing. Zucchini plants require a ph level of 6.5 and 7.0. If the soil becomes alkaline, it can lead to zucchini leaf yellowing.

How To Stop and Fix Yellowing Zucchini Leaves?

How To Stop and Fix Yellowing Zucchini Leaves

Learning about the causes of yellowing zucchini leaves will ask for solutions. So, let’s know some solutions for the abovementioned problems:

1. In Case Of Less Sunlight

You move your zucchini plants from a shady spot to a sunny place in your garden. You need to be careful with the zucchini roots and not damage them. 

However, it’s relatively easier to transfer plants grown in pots to a sunny place. And USE ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING if you are growing zucchini plants in the greenhouse.

2. When Watering Issues Occur 

First, wait for the soil to dry if the land is saturated. When the soil is dry enough, you start watering your zucchini plants moderately. A zucchini plant requires only about 2 to 3 cm (inch) of water every week. 

To check if you are not overwatering, you can put your finger inside the soil. Water your plants if the top 2 to 5 cm (or 1 to 2 inches) is dry. 

If you use clay soil, ADD COMPOST before planting and throughout the growing season. This will loosen the soil and help drain water away. If you are using sandy soil, use compost to retain the moisture.

3. When Zucchini Roots Are Damaged

There is nothing you can do about it. You can either remove the yellowing leaves before they rot. It leads to destroy infected plants. It further forms zucchini plant diseases. Provide plants with ADEQUATE WATER so the undamaged roots don’t have to work hard.

4. To Tackle Nutrient Deficiencies In Your Zucchini Plant 

Get a soil sample tested. This will reveal what TYPE OF DEFICIENCY you are facing and help you deal with them. 

One possible solution is to add fertilizer. But it is not recommended as it can cause even more yellowing. 

Compost or well-rotted manure can provide plant food and regulate imbalanced nutrients. Compost also helps regulate soil’s ph level when it is alkaline. Use well-rotted chicken or horse manure which will result in nitrogen-fixing plants.              

Care Tips for Zucchini Plants

Zucchini Leaves Turning Yellow

Here are some care tips for zucchini plants you can follow:

1. Maintain a soil ph level of 6 to 7 and use well-drained soil.

2. Provide at least 6 hours of sunlight daily to your zucchini.

3. Apply proper nutrients with the regular use of compost or cow manure, as mentioned before.

4. Pinch the tips of your young plants when they become 3 feet tall to encourage branching and get more yields.

5. Keep plants away from zucchini pests like cucumber beetle, squash bugs, & downy mildew. Treat them as infections like downy mildew leads to plant death.

6. Harvest your zucchini when it is 6 to 9 inches long. Besides, it should also provide good flavor and texture through smell.

Suggested reading: Squash Plant Identification

How Do You Promote Zucchini Growth?

How Do You Promote Zucchini Growth

For overall zucchini growth, I am sharing some tips here as follows:

  • Mulch your plants to maintain soil moisture, restrict weeds and protect weaker roots.
  • Consistent watering is necessary for the growth of zucchini. You can follow the previously shared tips related to watering your zucchini.
  • Eliminate any weeds that are visible to you and cut them off to maintain tidy plants. 
  • During the arrival of the first blooms, use a balanced fertilizer at the sides.
  • If you face pollination issues, hand-pollinate female and male flowers. Or you can add plants that ATTRACT BEES near your zucchini plant. This way, your plants will more easily grow zucchini.

These are some ways you can promote zucchini growth swiftly. Keep them in mind when you are growing zucchini in your garden.

FAQs about Zucchini Leaves Turning Yellow

1. Should you cut off yellow zucchini leaves?

Yes, you should remove the yellowing leaves of zucchini that are dying from your plants. They can rot and CAUSE DISEASED PLANTS. It includes various zucchini plant diseases and fungal diseases. You should also provide adequate water to stop your zucchini leaves to turn yellow.  

2. Should you water zucchini leaves?

Yes, it would help if you watered your zucchini leaves. You can use a sprinkler and water your zucchini EARLY IN THE MORNING. This way, your zucchini leaves will get enough time to dry before evening. 

3. Will coffee grounds help zucchini plants?

Yes, coffee grounds will help the zucchini plant. Coffee grounds are suitable for growing vegetables as they PROVIDE FERTILIZER. They release various nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and other minerals. 

4. How do you know when zucchini plants are done?

The zucchini blooms take 45 to 55 days to become fruit after plantation. You can start harvesting zucchini when they are SIX INCHES LONG during the early times. The ripe zucchini can be dark green, yellow, or white, depending on the variety. 

What’s Next

We learned the reasons for yellow zucchini leaves and how to stop leaves from turning yellow. And that was just the beginning of zucchini learning.

Later we moved on to learning about care tips for zucchini. In addition, we also learned how to PROMOTE THEIR GROWTH. 

If you want MORE INFORMATION ON ZUCCHINI, follow AsterGardening for more detailed articles.

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Khushvinder Dagar

Hey, I'm Khushvinder. I am a marketer by profession but love the feeling of getting my hands dirty and watching plants grow and have a particular interest in native plants and sustainable gardening practices. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others and have written articles on gardening for various publications.