Do Bananas Have Seeds? The Surprising Facts

BY Khushvinder Dagar
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HEY there! Are you curious and want to know do bananas have seeds? They have seeds, but their size and color depend on banana VARIETY (don’t worry! you will learn it all). 

At AsterGardening, we’re all about helping you level up your gardening GAME. Our team of EXPERTS is excited to help you learn about BANANAS and BERRIES (yum!).

Get ready to discover the AWESOME world of BANANA plants! I’ll cover what you need to know, from the HISTORY of this TASTY fruit to its nutritional value.

This article will give you a fresh perspective on the BANANA plant, whether you’re a CURIOUS cat or a PRO gardener.

Are you READY to JUMP in and EXPLORE the wonders of banana plants? Let’s go!

Do Bananas Have Seeds

Origin of banana

Origin of banana

Did you know that growing banana trees have a COOL backstory that goes back THOUSANDS of years?

It’s TRUE! Banana trees were FIRST grown in Papua New Guinea about 7,000 years ago.

Later people took them to PLACES like Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Even the ANCIENT Mayans and Egyptians were CULTIVATING AND TRADING bananas!

Fast forward a bit.

Portuguese explorers brought commercial bananas to EUROPE in the 15th century. They became more POPULAR in the Western world with the COLONIZATION of the Americas.

Nowadays, banana plants are grown in lots of tropical places all over the globe. Commercial bananas are a STAPLE food in many different CULTURES.

Suggested reading: Top 10 Types Of Banana Plants

Do bananas have seeds? How do you know?

Do bananas have seeds

YOU know BANANAS, right? Banana is a yummy edible fruit that EVERYONE loves to eat. But have you ever WONDERED if they have visible seeds? Well, the answer is COMPLICATED.

Commercially grown bananas have small seeds but are usually not VIABLE. They are not fit to grow bananas.

Most bananas have SMALLER seeds with black specks in the middle called “slips.” But you can barely see them, and they’re usually STERILE.

Here’s the cool thing – some WILD bananas have VIABLE black seeds! The wild banana tree bears fruits with FIRMER flesh and VISIBLE black seeds.

Based on what I’ve seen, Musa balbisiana and Musa brachycarpa are wild bananas with many seeds. Musa Acuminata is a FAMOUS wild variety cultivated specifically for hybrids.

Dessert bananas, Cavendish bananas, and Manzaro are some WORTHY SEEDLESS varieties. Out of these, the Cavendish banana variety is the epitome of modern bananas.

So, to SUM it up, wild bananas do have seeds. Grown banana seeds are not something we need to WORRY about when buying and eating them.

And now you can IMPRESS your pals with your NEWFOUND banana seed KNOWLEDGE!

Where is the seed in a banana?

Where is the seed in a banana

Ever WONDERED where the HECK the seeds are in a BANANA? Well, brace yourself because bananas MOSTLY don’t have seeds. Crazy, right?

Most fruits have seeds in the fruit’s flesh, but you must dig DEEPER with bananas. The seeds are INSIDE the banana’s CORE, the “heart.”

That’s the WHITE, STRINGY part that runs down the center of the banana.

Now, don’t get too freaked out – the seeds are SUPER TINY and barely noticeable. But, if you ever stumble upon a WILD banana, be prepared for some big, tough seeds.

So there you have it. Next time you’re peeling a banana, REMEMBER that the seeds aren’t in the fruit itself but hiding in that core.

Suggested reading: Indoor Banana Plant: The Nitty-Gritty Useful Guide

What do banana seeds look like?

What do banana seeds look like

Are you WONDERING what banana seeds LOOK like? You’re not alone, my friend! Most commercially grown BANANAS don’t have seeds, or at least not the hard ones.

The seeds are super TINY black dots and useless for reproduction in farmed bananas. That’s why commercial bananas are produced through CLONING or tissue culture.

But if you ever stumble upon WILD BANANAS, they have more developed and large seeds. These thousand seeds have a DARK COLOR and a pointy shape with a TOUGH seed coat.

Don’t STRESS if you haven’t seen any banana seeds. You’re not likely to bump into them during your usual banana-eating moments!

Remember that you SAVOR a selectively bred fruit when you have a tasty banana. It is grown for its SCRUMPTIOUSNESS rather than its seeds.

How do you collect banana seeds?

How do you collect banana seeds

So YOU want to know how to COLLECT banana seeds at HOME? It’s SUPER easy as long you have a banana plant to harvest!

First, ENSURE your banana bunch is fully ripe before you go ahead and HARVEST it from the banana plant.

Once it’s ready, go ahead and TAKE the fruit off the bunch and CHOP it up into SMALL pieces. I prefer manual chopping over a machine, but choosing is up to you.

The NEXT step is to soak the fruit in water for a few days, SWITCHING out the water daily. It helps SOFTEN the fruit and make it EASIER for you to REMOVE the seeds.

Take the fruit out of the water after a FEW days of soaking. I prefer using FINGERS to scrape off all the PULP from the seeds.

Rinse the seeds under RUNNING water and DRY them on a paper towel or clean cloth.

Store them in an AIRTIGHT container once they’re good and DRY. Place them somewhere COOL and DRY until you’re ready to USE them.

Can you grow bananas from seeds?

Can You Grow Bananas From Seeds

Want to know if you can a GROW BANANA plant from seeds? Well, you DEFINITELY can grow new banana plants! But, there are more COMMON ways of growing them.

You need to FIRST take the seeds out of RIPE banana fruit. After that, clean them up and let them DRY for a few days.

Once the seeds are DRY, you can PLANT them in a seed tray. Use POTTING SOIL or organic compost that drains well, and keep the soil MOIST.

And remember to keep the seeds WARM and in a HUMID environment. You can use a plastic bag to cover the pot or PLACE it in a greenhouse to KEEP the humidity levels high.

Be PATIENT, though, because it can take several months for the seeds to GERMINATE. I like to use separate plants or suckers for growing bananas quickly.

And even after seed SPROUTS, it can take a few years before the seedling start producing FRUIT.

Oh, and remember that mature banana plants don’t like the COLD. They THRIVE in warm, TROPICAL environments.

Nutritional value of bananas

Nutritional value of bananas

Did you know that BANANAS are one of the most popular and tasty fruits out there? Plus, they’re GOOD for you too! Here are some REASONS why:

Rich In Potassium

First off, bananas are packed with potassium. It helps REGULATE your blood pressure, and MUSCLES work PROPERLY. Pretty COOL, huh?

High In Fiber

Bananas are also a great source of fiber. It is IMPORTANT to keep your digestion on TRACK and FEELING full and satisfied.

Rich In Vitamins And Minerals

But WAIT, there’s more! Bananas have vitamins and minerals that you need, like VITAMIN C, vitamin B6, and manganese.

Low In Calories

Bananas are low in calories. So, if you’re trying to WATCH your WEIGHT, they’re a great SNACK option.

Boosts Heart Health

Eating bananas might even be good for your heart! They can help LOWER your blood pressure and REDUCE your risk of HEART disease.

May Boost Energy

Lastly, bananas provide a natural energy boost due to their high CARBOHYDRATE content.

FAQs about Do Bananas Have Seeds

1. Is banana a fruit?

Yes, a banana is a fruit. Bananas grow on herbaceous plants. It is typically elongated, with soft, sweet, edible flesh in yellow or green skin. Bananas are a good source of nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

2. How many seeds does a banana have? 

Bananas do have seeds, but they are very small and numerous. Each banana fruit contains an average of 200 seeds arranged in three rows inside the fruit. 
However, these seeds are typically not viable and are functionally sterile.

3. Are seedless bananas healthy?

Seedless bananas are as healthy as bananas with seeds. They contain essential nutrients like fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. 
The absence of seeds does not affect their nutritional value.

4. What is the healthiest part of a banana?

The healthiest part of a banana is the flesh, which is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Bananas also have a small amount of resistant starch. 
They can improve gut health and help regulate blood sugar levels.

What’s Next

So there you have it, FOLKS! Bananas have been around for a long time and ORIGINALLY come from Southeast Asia. PRETTY COOL, right?

There are little black or brown seeds inside a banana. You can COLLECT them, STRAIN, and SOW for new bananas.

Bananas have TONS of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are CRUCIAL for keeping our bodies healthy.

So, the next time you reach for a banana, REMEMBER that it’s not only a DELICIOUS treat but also GOOD for you. And remember to enjoy it GUILT-FREE!

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Khushvinder Dagar

Hey, I'm Khushvinder. I am a marketer by profession but love the feeling of getting my hands dirty and watching plants grow and have a particular interest in native plants and sustainable gardening practices. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others and have written articles on gardening for various publications.