String Of Bananas: A Beginner-Friendly Houseplant

BY Khushvinder Dagar
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Are you looking to add some GREENERY to your backyard? Don’t look any FURTHER than a string of bananas.

This hardy succulent plant produces long cascading stems RESEMBLING a string of bananas.

At AsterGardening, we provide our readers with EXPERT gardening advice. I will share tips about growing and caring for a string of bananas.

What’s more? I will cover the VARIETIES of this plant from the berries family.

You get the KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS to grow string of bananas and berries.

So, sit BACK, relax, and get ready to LEARN. Get ready to learn to create a GREEN paradise with a string of bananas.

String Of Bananas

Brief Overview About String Of Bananas

Brief Overview About String Of Bananas

The string of bananas is a COOL plant from the succulent family from southern AFRICA!

This plant has these LONG stems with banana-shaped leaves. The banana’s string hangs down as a trailing succulent (hence its name, get it?).

The String of bananas is a SUPER popular HOUSEPLANT. It looks amazing and doesn’t need a lot of MAINTENANCE.

Plus, these banana string plants are DROUGHT-TOLERANT. It doesn’t need excess water (yay for busy people!).

But wait, there’s more!

This plant is also FAMOUS for being a NATURAL air purifier. It will keep the air in your house fresh and clean. How cool is that?

Different Varieties of String Of Bananas

Different Varieties of String Of Bananas

Did you know there are DIFFERENT types of string of bananas out there? Let’s check out some of the most popular ones!

1. Senecio radicans

It is the MOST COMMON type of bananas string plant. It has LONG, THIN stems that can grow to three feet long. Its banana-shaped leaves are GREEN and POINTED.

The string of bananas plant is PERFECT for a hanging basket or a trailing plant on a shelf. Plus, it’s super easy to propagate, making it a FAVORITE among plant enthusiasts.

2. Senecio herreianus

Next, we have the Senecio herreianus, aka the STRING OF BEADS. This hanging succulent has ROUNDED, bead-like leaves spaced out along thin stems.

The leaves are LOVELY small GREEN bananas, often with a HINT of blue. This delicate plant is a CHARMING addition to the hanging basket.

Growing a string of bananas in a garden center is ideal when using this variety. When grown INDOORS, afternoon shade is ENOUGH.

3. Senecio rowleyanus

Another POPULAR type is the Senecio rowleyanus, the string of pearls. Its small, spherical leaves RESEMBLE pearls and have a beautiful translucent quality.

It’s another GREAT CHOICE for hanging baskets or as a trailing plant on a shelf.

And you GUESSED it. It’s easy to propagate so that you can SHARE it with your friends too!

4. Senecio citriformis

Lastly, we have the Senecio citriformis. This variety has lemon-shaped leaves that grow on LONG, TRAILING succulents.

Its leaves have a GLOSSY, WAXY texture and a STUNNING green color. This string of bananas plant is perfect for adding color to your indoor or outdoor space.

Now that you KNOW about bananas string, you can CHOOSE the one that SUITS your style and space best.

These plants are super easy to care for and have a UNIQUE appearance so that any plant lover will ADORE them!

Suggested reading: How To Grow A Banana Tree? Be An Expert Grower

Growing Instructions and Facts for String of Bananas

Growing Instructions and Facts for String of Bananas

So you want to know how to take care of your string of bananas plant?

NO WORRIES. I’ve got you covered! Here are some TIPS to keep your plant healthy and thriving:

1. Adequate Light

Your string of bananas plant NEEDS adequate LIGHT to grow well. So, place it in a lower light SPOT or partial shade with ENOUGH light, preferably direct sun.

So, How much Sun is enough?

An OPTIMUM spot for direct SUNLIGHT is enough for winter but needs some support. Therefore, I prefer using a grow light or a couple for 10-12 hours.

2. Water

Watering is IMPORTANT, but you must be careful with it. Always use rainwater or distilled water instead of tap water.

Make sure the soil DRIES about 50% to PREVENT root rot. I got BETTER results when watering it using room-temperature WATER.

3. Ideal Temperature

Strings of bananas like a TEMPERATURE between 60-85° Fahrenheit. You use INCANDESCENT or indirect LIGHT to maintain the temperature.

Ensure to adopt a proper watering routine to MAINTAIN the soil moisture content. Avoid too much DIRECT sun to MAINTAIN the temperature.

4. Ideal Humidity

The string of Bananas plants LOVES humidity. You install a humidifier to ADJUST the relative humidity level around the plant.

Mist your plant during the MORNING hours to sustain humidity. Manual checking is good, but I prefer HYGROMETER to measure the humidity level.

5. Soil

The string of bananas grows WELL in the right soil mix. You opt for a commercially available cactus or succulent mix.

Add LECA to your POTTING MIX to increase soil aeration. You use worm compost to prevent quick soil compaction.

6. Fertilizer

You can choose NITROGEN RICH fertilizer to promote its banana-like foliage growth. Additionally, organic fertilizer for light feeding is the BEST alternative.

7. Pruning

Pruning is IMPORTANT to maintain the health of your plant. Make sure to SANITIZE the tools BEFORE pruning off your plants.

Cut off fewer or deformed foliage to maintain the shape of a string of bananas.

How to Care for String of Bananas?

How to Care for String of Bananas

So, you’re interested in your String of Bananas care, HUH? Don’t worry; it’s not as complicated as it may seem.

Here are some bananas care tips to help you KEEP your plant happy and healthy:

1. Bright Light

Let there be DIRECT sun exposure for bright sunlight! So, what is the IDEAL string of banana’s light requirements?

Your String of Bananas loves basking in the full sun. At least six hours of BRIGHT indirect light each day is PLENTY.

2. Regular Watering

Watering every 7-10 days during the growing season is just RIGHT. You REDUCE the frequency to ONCE every two weeks during fall and winter.

I prefer WATERING them according to the temperature, growth period, and MOISTURE conditions.

At high moisture, this drought-tolerant plant can get root rot.

3. Warm Temperature

Keep things WARM and TOASTY. Mimic the plant’s natural habitat by maintaining a temperature of 70°F to 80°F.

Ensure it doesn’t get BELOW 30°F, or your plant may start to SUFFER. The String of Bananas can’t tolerate extreme temperatures drop or FROST.

4. Well-Draining Soil Mix

Good soil is KEY. Your String of Bananas prefers WELL-DRAINING soil with a slightly acidic nature (6.6-7.5 pH.

So choose your own soil mix for proper air circulation and moderate MOISTURE retention.

5. Fertilization

A little FERTILIZER goes a long way. Bananas fertilizer requirement is LIGHT during active growth.

Once a month with NITROGEN-RICH fertilizer should do the trick. My recommendation is to check the leaf color to MONITOR nitrogen levels. 

6. Repotting

Let your plant get comfortable. Your String of Bananas will be OK staying in the same pot for a while.

REPOTTING string of bananas is required ONCE every three years in early spring.

7. Pruning

No need to get scissor-happy. Your plant doesn’t require REGULAR pruning.

I use pruning to SHAPE my Sting of Bananas plant. It helped me MAINTAIN its VINES more effectively.

8. Pest and Disease

Watch out for the string of bananas PESTS. Look for sap-sucking pests like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites.

The String of bananas is SUSCEPTIBLE to root rot at HIGH moisture.

You prevent a full-blown infestation if you catch them early. You OPT for pesticides, but I PREFER using Neem oil for sucking pests.

9. Trailing Vines

Give your plant something to HOLD ONTO. Your String of Bananas is a fast-growing plant that likes to TRAIL.

A GROWING STRING will give the VINES (which can grow up to three feet long) something to cling onto.

Suggested reading: Top 10 Types Of Banana Plants: For A Tasty Journey

Potting and Repotting

Potting and Repotting

You must know how to pot and repot your string of bananas. It ensures that it stays HEALTHY and ALIVE. Here are some TIPS to get you started.

1. Right Pot

When potting, CHOOSE the right pot size with enough drainage holes. The right pot with enough drainage holes is PERFECT.

2. Potting Mixture

Get a potting mixture that is BEST for succulents and cacti. Put the plant in the CENTER of the pot and GENTLY push the soil around it.

3. Adequate Water

Water it SPARINGLY and let the soil completely dry out between watering. An adequate string of bananas watering HELPS in moderate and healthy growth.

4. Repotting

If your string of bananas seems to outgrow its pot, you must REPOT it. It’s easy (BELIEVE ME!) when you follow the proper steps.

The BEST time to do this is during the early spring and summer months. Use pot string or propagate string when the plant is actively growing.

5. Maintenance

Carefully REMOVE the plant from its current pot, ensuring the roots aren’t damaged.

Remove dead or damaged roots and trim back overgrown stems. It HELPS to maintain plants and keep them healthy.

Place this trailing succulent in a BIGGER POT. Add a fresh potting mix to fill in the extra space.

Potting and repotting your string of bananas will keep it HEALTHY and FLOURISHING. Remember, proper care will keep giving you joy for years to come!

Propagate Tips for String of Bananas

Propagate Tips for String of Bananas

I’ve covered you with some awesome tips to help you propagate a String of Banana plant LIKE A PRO!

1. Choose a Healthy Stem

First off, you MUST pick a healthy three inches long stem. You can pick one from the NURSERY, but I prefer HOMEGROWN stock.

Grab some CLEAN scissors and CUT the stem below the NODE where the leaves and roots come out.

2. Ready the Stem Cuttings

Next, STRIP off the lower leaves and leave only the top TWO or THREE. Then, DIP the cut end of the stem into some ROOTING HORMONE.

3. Plant the Cutting

After that, it’s time to plant your cutting! Get a pot filled with WELL-DRAINING SOIL, and make sure the soil is MOIST but not too waterlogged.

Place your pot in a BRIGHT, DIRECT LIGHT, and let your plant do its thing.

4. Prepare for Root Growth

In a few WEEKS, you’ll see new roots growing on the stem. In my case, it took MORE time due to excessive humidity.

Once the roots are about an inch long, it’s time to TRANSPLANT your new plant into its permanent pot or location.

5. Care for Your New Plant

And remember to take CARE of your new plant! Water it regularly and give it some FERTILIZER every few months to keep it healthy and happy.

Propagating your string of bananas plant is the BEST to expand your plant collection. This way, you can SHARE your beloved succulent garden plant with others.

FAQs about String Of Bananas

1. Is string of bananas rare?

The string of bananas is not considered a rare plant. Like most succulents, it is widely available at many nurseries and gardening stores. However, availability may vary depending on your location and the season.

2. What are the benefits of string of banana?

Besides their unique appearance, the string of bananas has several benefits. They are easy to care for, require minimal watering, and can grow well in low-light conditions. Additionally, they are excellent air purifiers for indoor spaces.

3. Can string of bananas stay outside in winter?

The string of bananas plants is not frost-tolerant. Keep them indoors during winter in colder climates to survive freezing temperatures. You can grow string of bananas outdoors year-round in warm weather. But using a protected spot with enough light is best.

4. Do string of bananas flower?

Yes, the string of banana plants can produce small white flowers. The flowers turn into small banana-shaped fruits on maturity. The primary appeal of the string of bananas plant is its unique, cascading white flowers and foliage.

What’s Next

The string of Bananas is a super easy-to-maintain plant that can give a TROPICAL feel to any indoor area.

And guess what? You can grow a string of bananas for YEARS with little love and care. All you must do is provide the RIGHT conditions.

Remember to PROPAGATE it regularly to SPREAD love with your pals and fam.

With some PATIENCE, you can enjoy its quirky charm and chill vibes for years. So why not give it a try?

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Khushvinder Dagar

Hey, I'm Khushvinder. I am a marketer by profession but love the feeling of getting my hands dirty and watching plants grow and have a particular interest in native plants and sustainable gardening practices. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others and have written articles on gardening for various publications.